Contact me with any real estate questions. I enjoy talking to those looking to get into a real estate career also, so contact me today.
Tue Oct 10 18:04:00 UTC 2017
My apologies as the video cut off before I got to me anytime at 208.799.2100 or my cell phone 208.305.2030. I look forward to working with you and being your #RealtorMatchMaker
Fri Feb 03 14:31:00 UTC 2017
Tax FORM 3115 could be your friend.
I'm no tax expert, believe me. However, I'm starting to invest in real estate...and I'm a Realtor. If I didn't share this tid-bit of discovery with you I would be "withholding information". And that's just not right!
Most of us investing in real estate work with an accountant. This is a definite "consult your accountant" moment. He or she may not even realize you could possibly save double on your depreciation...simply by using a more in depth method. The purpose of this form is to change the way you file.
Our accountants tend to use the building depreciation method. This method is allowed for the majority of us and is simple. Did you know that many of us can file depreciation on the building...and personal property...and land improvements involved with that property? Yeah, me neither. It's a bit longer way, and you have to keep track of things, but don't we kind of do that anyway???
Maybe you already do this and can comment your experience. For the rest of us...ask your accountant. What do you have to lose?
Happy tax time!
Wed Jan 25 19:50:00 UTC 2017
Now that I have your mind thinking...DO WHAT in our sleeves????
Today at CENTURY 21 Price Right we dug out an old video we tend to watch once a year. That one time a year we all refer to as "cold and flu season." Seems everyone gets their turn at the sniffles, coughs, aches and pains and with the symptoms comes days off work or school and time spent on the couch...something we just don't want to see happen with anyone.
Save the couch time for NCAA Basketball or NFL Super Bowl or search for our next I right!?!?
I've decided to share this video information with all of you. A good watch! This is how we here at CENTURY 21 Price Right stay...
Smarter. Bolder. Faster. and HEALTHIER!
Wed Nov 04 00:09:00 UTC 2015
We put together a small tribute of how breast cancer has affected those in our office. Take a look....
Thu Nov 27 17:51:00 UTC 2014
Today, a special day of giving thanks...I'm thankful for my HEALTH and HAPPINESS. I try to eat and exercise better for my HEALTH...keep life simple and full of adventure for my HAPPINESS. As I go through life I learn that it is not always within my control to have such great HEALTH and HAPPINESS. Yet attitude can change everything about the way we feel.
So today I think of those who often feel outside that box of great HEALTH or HAPPINESS. I ask for you to find a little attitude with me. Today, if only for today, our attitudes are great HEALTH and HAPPINESS.
To a Happy Thanksgiving!
Fri Nov 21 19:10:00 UTC 2014
What an incredible group of caring Realtors and friends. See how they ask for your help in gathering food and toiletries this Thanksgiving season.
Thu Jan 02 04:04:00 UTC 2014
Do you ever dream?
A GOAL is a lot like a dream. "I want to have this....I dream of being that." Do you say and think to yourself, "If only I could..." They're all GOALS. Most often...all obtainable...if you hold yourself accountable to the steps it takes to achieve them. Break it down backwards and make it personal.
What do you want? A new car, redecorate your living room, take a trip to Alaska..? Where is it you want to be? Debt free, 15 pounds lighter, move up in your job...? What steps does it take to get there? (You better be writing your answers down!) Now, how are you going to commit to taking these steps? It works. Only you can do it though. So write it down...write down your GOALS! Big or small. It doesn't matter. Then go after it. Take it. Own it. Be it!
Welcome to the New Year...2014 is going to be your year! Let's do this!
Tue Oct 22 17:06:00 UTC 2013
You could be GRANTED a wish...sounds inviting, huh? Then when you put that word FOR in front of it...well, taking it FOR GRANTED...that just makes your heart sink. Then when you put a negative in front of that...NEVER take it FOR GRANTED...well, you're back in business.
There are so many positives and negatives in the world and often times they get mixed up, mixed together, mixed in and mixed around. One thing I know is...if you're ever GRANTED that opportunity to see your wish or feel love, maybe be that special person for a day...NEVER take it FOR GRANTED. One shift in life could change that which you were GRANTED into a FOR GRANTED in a simple beat of a the heart. Live life by seeing all you can see, loving all you can love and then being that special person for a day will just come naturally. You'll find out what I mean. ;-)
NEVER take life's adventures FOR GRANTED...and life's adventures will naturally give back.
Tue Oct 08 14:33:00 UTC 2013
Tue Oct 08 14:32:00 UTC 2013
Is there any better thing than TEAMWORK?!?! I used to think I was meant to be a wrestler...or more like a UFC know, a one man show...take care of yourself type. I'm older now. Even those sports take a lot of TEAMWORK to pull off a win. Life is about TEAMWORK. It's everything we do. The teacher isn't without the student, the truck driver isn't without the truck stop attendant, the computer tech isn't without the part manufacturer, the husband isn't without the wife, the child isn't without the parent, even the UFC fighter isn't without the medic. Life is about TEAMWORK. Make every move in life like someone else depends on it for the win. Because they do...they depend on you. TEAMWORK feels great!
Fri Jul 19 05:00:00 UTC 2013
Price Right Life: Unknown: The UNKNOWN can come in so many forms. The UNKNOWN of a new marriage, the UNKNOWN of direction, the UNKNOWN of ones expectations...even the...
Fri Jul 19 04:57:00 UTC 2013
The UNKNOWN can come in so many forms. The UNKNOWN of a new marriage, the UNKNOWN of direction, the UNKNOWN of ones expectations...even the UNKNOWN of an illness. THE UNKNOWN touches each of us in some way each and every day. Some good, some not so good. And we keep moving forward and pushing on to see what the UNKNOWN will bring and how it's going to change our lives. Today I wish each of you the best in your exciting new UNKNOWNS and pray for the scary ones to find their way to happy ones. Today I have mixed UNKNOWNS...will my excited pregnant friends have boys or girls and how can I help find a cure to Lukemia and get my little cousin home and healthy. Those are just a couple of my UNKNOWNS. What are your UNKNOWNS?
Sun Jun 30 19:05:00 UTC 2013
So in an effort to keep up with the fast paced world of technology...we are going PAPERLESS. Today (yes a Sunday) I am at the office working on getting us changed over to having PAPERLESS files. It's a great way to have your files with you at all times and with a couple clicks be able to view, forward, attach...even edit our files. PAPERLESS really seems the way to go for us. Then I receive this email attachment from my mother-in-law. Help me out here...tell her we're going to be alright going PAPERLESS!
Wed Jun 26 05:20:00 UTC 2013
I just love PROJECTS...from building gardens, decks and patios to creating a poster, helping with class PROJECTS and doing interior upgrades. Home improvement PROJECTS can raise the value of your home or property, but most often they are done to improve your way of life. And while doing PROJECTS, one can find a sense of pride and fulfillment. One of my favorite PROJECTS thus far is turning our side yard jungle of trees into a patio of pleasure. Not only is it cleaner and easier to take care of, but I can spend time sharing it with family and friends. What's might be one of your favorite PROJECTS?
Tue Jun 25 03:37:00 UTC 2013
There are so many different types of HATS. There are ball HATS , knit stocking HATS , cowboy HATS , sombrero HATS ...and there's the mom HAT , brother HAT, co- worker HAT , teacher HAT ...there's just so many styles and colors. All of which have a place in our world. Do you work in construction? Are you a police officer, bank teller, deli worker or stay at home dad? I'm none of those. I do know someone who works in each though, and I'm thankful for them and their part in making my life easier every day. It seems a world without diversity would be complicated, hard and boring. Plus, where would I store all those HATS? The next time you see someone wearing their HAT well, let them know...and thank them for it.
Fri Jun 21 01:49:00 UTC 2013
Price Right Life: Coming Home: Home is the place we eat, sleep and live...the place we know and feel a sense of comfort in daily. Ever find yourself COMING HOME and going...
Fri Jun 21 01:46:00 UTC 2013
Home is the place we eat, sleep and live...the place we know and feel a sense of comfort in daily. Ever find yourself COMING HOME and going to that cupboard to see if there's anything good in it or plopping in that comfy chair to sit for a moment and take a deep breath from the day's activities? Creatures of habit. I think of those who have had their home destroyed in a flood or a tornado...or a fire, as has recently happened in our local area. In a life's moment that COMING HOME comfort can be gone. Today I ask that the next time you're COMING HOME and you go to that cupboard or comfy chair...think of those around you who have recently lost theirs.
Thu Jun 20 01:37:00 UTC 2013
Of course, I speak only of the weather.
The real estate world is bright and sunny and this is good news for everyone. Each day I see more and more deals come and stay together making Buyers and Sellers happy. This also means Realtors are finally back to making some sort of living and that means they will start spending again. Home sales bring dinner celebrations, home improvements and new home furnishings. All of these things help keep and even create all sorts of jobs. So the next time you see a home sale happen, congratulate them and think of how that one sale might positively affect you in your world. Even when the weather presents RAINY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN...know the skies are clearing in home sales.
Wed Jun 19 04:06:00 UTC 2013